Are you looking for a simple guide to help you clean your fishing reel? Whether you own a Gomexus gear or any other brand, this Gomexus reel cleaning tutorial will help you get through it with ease. After an exciting but tiring day outdoors fishing, all you want to do is head home and take a rest. But one thing you wouldn’t want to skip is cleaning your fishing reel.
Fishing on a salty and brackish water lake requires cleaning the reel for better efficiency and prolonged durability. Saltwater and metal don’t get along so, cleaning after every trip saves you more money in replacing your gear from time to time.
Even if you only fish on freshwater sources, still cleaning the reel after every 5 fishing trips is still important. Are you new to the idea of cleaning the reel? Let’s get you started on this cleaning tutorial, shall we?

The Tools You Need To Clean A Fishing Reel
Proper and thorough cleaning of the reel, especially after fishing in saltwater requires the right tools. Before heading out on your fishing escapade, make sure you have the following tools with you:
- Screwdriver pair – get the Philips head and standard screwdriver.
- A small wrench.
- Pair of forceps or tweezers.
- Toothbrush for scrubbing.
- Toothpicks for removing tiny debris and speckles.
- Reel oil.
- Boat cleaner solution for removing oil, dirt, and other debris.
- A jar or container for holding the disassembled parts.
- A clean rag.
- cotton swabs.
- Notebook and a pen.
- Sticker labels.
A point of caution; don’t try to use dish cleaner or other harsh detergents in place of the boat cleaner solution. Also, avoid light fluids like gasoline as this and other solvents will deteriorate the plastic coatings and eventually destroy your reel.
How To Take Apart A Fishing Reel?
Before starting the cleaning process, you need to take apart the reel after detaching it from the rod. This phase requires steady hands and patience because the reel can be difficult to disassemble.
- First, secure the fishing line using masking tape or remove it from the spool. This bit helps to stop the line from being tangled up. If your reel is a spincast type, you’ll have to disassemble it, feed a section of the line and secure it.
- Loosen up the drag cap on top of the spool using the small wrench and the head will come out easily.
- Once the head spool is out, get the center shaft out as well. Next, remove the crank handle, clutch ring, crank bearing, and washers. Use the pair of tweezers to carefully remove these parts.
- Keep the parts on a clean paper towel and label each appropriately. Take caution; you’re going to come across plenty of small delicate parts that shouldn’t be misplaced.
- Once you’ve taken apart the reel, the toothbrush comes in handy to scrub off debris and dirt. Dip the toothbrush in the boat cleaning solution and gently scrub the reel assembly’s inner section. Repeat the cleaning process until the small parts are also clean.
Spinning Reels and Baitcasting Reel Cleaning Methods
Whether you’re an experienced angler with a baitcasting reel or an intermediate with a spinning reel, the cleaning task should be the easiest across the board.
Spinning reels cleaning method
Compared to spincast reels, taking the spinning reel apart and cleaning it is much easier. but still, you need to be extra cautious not to misplace or damage those tiny parts.
- First, use fresh water to clean the spinning reel. Here, soaking it first before cleaning isn’t a must. But if you use the spincast reel to fish in saline or brackish water lake, pre-soaking the reel is recommended.
- Ensure the line is secured as described earlier, before starting the cleaning.
- Remove the spool then give it a good scrub with the toothbrush. Using the pair of tweezers, remove the spool washers and bushings. Next, remove the handle knobs, pick-up pin, and arm.
- Next, you need to work on your reel’s crankshaft. Extract the gears, center shaft, and clutch screws. Removing the roller wheel and the ball bearing should be the last thing to do.
- Don’t forget to document everything removed. The best way to know what goes where later is to number them accordingly.
- Soak the toothbrush in the cleaning solution and scrub the disassembled parts. After that, gently dry them up with a clean rag while taking care not to break or bend anything.
- Use the reel oil to lubricate the handle knob, arms, spool release, bearing ball, and pick-up pin. Just apply the oil sparingly without soaking up the parts.
- Grease up the whole crank system and the main shaft. Don’t forget to apply some grease on the pickup arm, bushings, washers, and roller wheel.
- Remove excess grease with the cotton swab to prevent greasy mud from forming there.
- Use the manufacturer’s manual to put every part back in its place. Most Gomexus reel cleaning tutorials from the manufacturer come with a reel assembly guide that you can use to assemble your real.
Baitcasting Reel Cleaning Method
Baitcasting reels are suitable for experienced anglers. They’re not only difficult to use, but the cleaning process can also be a little difficult.
- Begin by loosening the reel’s drag knob then remove the whole drag system together with the spool.
- Spray some clean freshwater on the reel then scrub the dirt off using a toothbrush. Repeat the process to remove all the dirt lying in the spool.
- Next, loosen the track tension knob then remove the spool shaft plus other parts in the same area. These include the pinion gear, stabilizer, gear, and shaft guard.
- Use the pair of tweezers to remove the bushings, slider release, spool release, and handle knob. Remember to label each part with numbers and record them in a notebook for easy assembly when putting them back.
- Using the toothbrush, gently scrub off dirt from each part. For quick and effective cleaning, dip the toothbrush in the boat cleaning solution before scrubbing.
- Finalize the cleaning by scrubbing the inner part of the reel then dry everything with a clean rag.
- Lubricate the parts using the reel oil, without forgetting the handle knobs, spool shaft, and ball bearings.
- Other parts that need lubricating include the main gear, pinion yoke, gear, and shaft guard. They don’t have to be soaking wet with the oil, so wipe off the excess with a cotton swab.
- Following your notes and the labels put everything back in place.
What's The Best Thing To Clean A Fishing Reel With?
Have you heard of anglers who clean their reels with gasoline? While it will give a shiny feel, it’s detrimental in the long run. Gasoline and related fluids can react with the plastic components of the reel and wear them out easily.

Instead, use a boat cleaning solution, which is nothing but a mixture of vinegar and lukewarm water. Alternatively, you can also use mild detergents if the fishing reel hasn’t been cleaned for a while.
Cord Reel Care and Maintenance Guide
Apart from cleaning the reel, the fishing reel also needs thorough maintenance to keep it performing impeccably. Follow this Gomexus reel maintenance tutorial to keep your Gomexus reel in good condition until the next use.
Clean your reel regularly
Always clean the reel after every fishing session on saltwater and 5 times on freshwater.
Lubricate moving parts
Keep the moving parts lubricated. These include the pickup arm, line guide, and handle knob. Use only high-quality grease or reel oil specifically designed for fishing reels.
Store the reel properly
Ensure the reel is kept in a cool, dry place when not in use. Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures or moisture, to prevent rusting and corrosion damage to the components.
Do regular inspection
Regularly check the reel for signs of damage or wear, like cracks, corrosion, or worn-out moving parts. Don’t keep using the reel with a worn-out part, instead do a replacement before your next use.
Properly use the reel
Ensure you’re using the reel for the type of fishing line it was meant for. Using a reel that is not designed for the specific type of line can cause damage to the reel or line, and pose a safety hazard.
Wrapping It Up
Every angler knows how best to handle their fishing rod when battling a big catch. But the cleaning part is where most draw the line. Regularly cleaning your fishing reel is the trick to ensuring it’s always ready for the next fishing trip and lasts longer.
Always clean the reel after fishing on saltwater to remove salt buildup and corrosion of the metallic parts. If you mostly fish in freshwater, clean the reel every 5 to 10 trips. Follow the same Gomexus reel maintenance tutorial for both the baitcasting and spinning reel to keep your gear in excellent shape and durable for longer.